Founded in March of 2015, Preston Coghill had a vision to write a production that was so near and dear to his heart. Throughout the many years of cooking in Retirement Communities throughout the country, one community changed his life to write such a remarkable and loving production that is sure to change your spirits..."OLDTIMERS" The Musical., A production of giving respect to the Caregivers and loved ones who has dedicated their time to someone who means the world to them. No matter how bad it may seem, I will always love you.
With the support of our sponsors, we are able to host all shows... This production is about educating and giving the caregivers a since of support. Let them know that they are not alone, and you have someone to lean on. If you are looking at bringing this production to your area. We need your support in spreading the word....
Getting the word out about Alzheimer's and Dementia. Seeing where the need is and know that there is support out there for you...